Age or sunspots are changes in skin colour associated with older skin. They’re harmless flat brown discolorations which usually appear on the backs of the hands, neck and face and are a sign of over exposure to sunlight.


A fine probe is used to gently lift and remove the top layer of the effected pigmented skin only, revealing the clear, non-pigmented skin below.


Healing crusts will form on the area of treatment which will naturally fall away over the next few days as your own individual healing process takes place. The newly developed skin will initially appear pink or paler than the surrounding skin but overtime will normalise.Aftercare instructions are given and must be adhered to.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Although these are classified as part of the wart family they are not contagious as they are not caused by a virus. They are completely benign (not cancerous) and are more common with increasing age. These blemishes are caused by natural ageing, sun damage and also have a genetic link. They can vary greatly in appearance and can be skin coloured to dark brown. Although raised above the skin they can have a flat surface which usually has grooves in it. They can be dry, crumbly and itchy. Occurring most often on the trunk but also common on the head, face and chest.

Electrolysis is a safe, effective, quick and affordable method of treatment with amazing results. They are removed by applying the heat of electrolysis to the base and are gently scraped off, leaving clear healthy skin underneath.

The use of a good aftercare gel such as Aloe Vera can be used to help speed up the healing process.  A scab will form which will fall away naturally over the next few days. A pinkish mark is left and this will fade in time.
Strict aftercare instructions are given and must be adhered to.