Age or sunspots are changes in skin colour associated with older skin. They’re harmless flat brown discolorations which usually appear on the backs of the hands, neck and face and are a sign of over exposure to sunlight.


A fine probe is used to gently lift and remove the top layer of the effected pigmented skin only, revealing the clear, non-pigmented skin below.


Healing crusts will form on the area of treatment which will naturally fall away over the next few days as your own individual healing process takes place. The newly developed skin will initially appear pink or paler than the surrounding skin but overtime will normalise.Aftercare instructions are given and must be adhered to.

Skin Tags

Skin tags are small soft growths that often appear with a stalk like a mushroom and vary in size from a tiny speck, to the size of a large pea or even larger. They can sometimes be caused by the same virus as warts, can be hereditary, can increase with age and may also occur during pregnancy. They are often found in areas of friction such as the underarm, groin, under the breasts or around the neckline where necklaces and collars irritate.

These are easily removed by applying electrolysis heat to the neck of the stalk and come off at the time of treatment - they do not usually require further treatment.

Strict aftercare instructions are given and must be adhered to.
The neck of the tag will dry out where it has been removed then finally separate and drop off.